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about us – وب سایت رسمی داروسازی امین

about us

Amin pharmaceutical company was established in 1363 in the south-west part of Isfahan and started its production with 6 products in 1369.

The company covers an area of 320,000 m2, of which 200,000 m2 consists of green space and 35,000 m2 are areas dedicated to production, warehouse, and office space.

The production line consist of solids and oral liquids and has an annual output of 1,300,000,000 units in the forms of capsules, tablets, softgels, drops, and syrups with estimated value of 40 million dollar.

Regular maintenance of production facilities and utilities is performed to maintain a Current GMP standard.

Considering the cGMP standards, the company is one the largest contract manufacturers in the county with 25% of its activities dedicated toward contract manufacturing. In fact, Amin Pharmaceutical contract manufactures for more than 30 foreign and domestic companies.

Amin has been honored as the two time recipient of the “Top ranked company among food, drug, and health companies” award as well as the 3-times recipient of the “Top entrepreneurship Award” of Isfahan. In addition, last year, Amin was ranked number one in terms of clarification of the information released to the stock exchange organization.

Amin has GMP, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 18001, and ISO17025Certificates of safety and professional health. The company also succeeded in obtaining the recently established quality plate and tracking authenticity control of TTAC from the food and drug administration.

Production is carried out by advanced machines in clean rooms with a class D and equipped with hygienic utility systems. The operators are experienced personnel who are well familiar with the GMP standards and related SOP’s. The entire production and packaging lines are constantly monitored in termsof humidity, temperature, and pressure.

Amin pharmaceutical company controls all activities through its Quality Assurance department and establishing Management Information System (MIS).

At the Quality Control department, all analysis are performed based on the latest scientific standards and valuable scientific references (USP,BP,EP) using advanced devices such as HPLC,GC,IR,UV, and atomic absorption.

On average, Amin adds about 15 new chemical, herbals, or supplement products to its basket each year with the help of its strong R&D team. In fact, the number of products has more than doubled in the last few years. Currently, Amin is producing more than 200 drugs in various therapeutic categories such as cardiovascular, central nervous system, diabetes, microbial agents, antihistamine, analgesic, sexual disorder, antihyper lipidemic, gastro-intestinal and anti rheumatic.

In addition to the necessary quality controls and formulation of new products, the QC and R&D department improve the quality of the products by constantly monitoring the PMQC samples in terms of potency, efficacy, appearance, and stability.

In terms of exports, Amin has registered its name as well as many of its products in neighboring countries and continues to grow its market.

The brand name for our supplements and Herbal drugs are ”Amivital”

Our believe: success comes base on best rules, latest method, continue education, team work, motion (effective, productive) work.

These bring health to our people.

Amin logo: health people depositary.

آگهی دعوت به مجمع عمومی عادی سالیانه سال مالی منتهی به 1402/12/29

الف- زمان و محل برگزاری مجمع عمومی :

از کلیه سهامداران ، وکیل یا قائم مقام قانونی صاحب سهم و همچنین نماینده یا نمایندگان اشخاص حقوقی دعوت میگردد تا در جلسه مجمع عمومی این شرکت که در ساعت 10:00 روز دوشنبه مورخ 1403/03/21 در استان اصفهان ،شهر فلاورجان به آدرس بخش پيربکران مقابل شهر بهاران شرکت داروسازي امين برگزار میگردد حضور بهم رسانند.

ب– دستور جلسه :

استماع گزارش هیئت‌ مدیره و بازرس قانونی.

تصویب صورت‌های مالی سال (دوره) مالی منتهی به 1402/12/29

انتخاب حسابرس و بازرس قانونی

انتخاب روزنامة کثیر‌الانتشار

تعیین حق حضور اعضای غیر موظف هیئت مدیره

تعیین پاداش هیئت مدیره

سایر موارد


حق الزحمه اعضاي غير موظف هيئت مديره در کميته هاي تخصصي زير نظر هيئت مديره براي سال مالي منتهي به 1403/12/30 وساير مواردي که در صلاحيت مجمع عمومي عادي سالانه باشد

ج-نحوه دریافت برگ حضور در جلسه :

از کليه سهامداران محترم و نمايندگان قانوني آنهاتقاضا ميگردد جهت دريافت برگ ورود به جلسه در مورخه 1403/03/20 به واحدسهام شرکت به آدرس فوق مراجعه نمايند . همچنين آن دسته از سهامداران حقيقي محترم که فرد ديگري را جهت حضور در مجمع معرفي مي نمايند در خواست ميگردد که فرد معرفي شده ضمن در دست داشتن مدارک شناسايي معتبر و وکالتنامه محضري از سوي سهامداران اصلي ، مي بايست تا تاريخ 1403/03/19 جهت تاييد اصالت وکالت نامه به امورسهام شرکت مراجعه و يا به نمابر 03137252901 ارسال نمايند. همچنين آن دسته از سهامدارن محترم که امکان حضور در مجمع را ندارند مي توانند همزمان جلسه مجمع را از طريق پيوند زير مشاهده نمايند https://aparat.com/Aminpharmaceutical

دعوت کننده از مجمع: هيئت مديره شرکت داروسازي امين

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